Tagged by Chy...
1. Where did you meet? Long Story! I was waiting for a missionary, so I didn't date a whole lot. One of the girls from work was like, "just come to one of the Idaho Fall's Mustangs games with me." So, I did and met Rod Sandoval. We dated for a couple weeks and Rod lived with this guy named Roudy. They were both newly divorced and just wanting to have fun! So, I guess the short answer is that I was dating his roommate!
2.How long did you date before you got married? We started dating in September of 2000 and I moved in with him in February of 2001. He had only been divorced since May, so naturally he wanted to take things slow, but I dazzled him with my flirting abilities and we were married in July of 2001! :)
3.How long have you been married? 49 long, hard, wonderful years! (Dog years! :)
4.What does he do that surprises you? This is horrible to say, but nothing! He's not overly romantic, and doesn't really do surprises. Last year at Christmas he bought me a beautiful corner hutch, so that counts, right? I was definitely surprised!
5.What is your favorite feature of his? What's not to love-have you seen him? :) He's so good at EVERYTHING he does. When he played for the Mustangs he was one of the oldest guys on the team, but he got a trophy for most interceptions in the league (that included all of south east Idaho and Utah.) He gives 100% to everything he does. When we built our house he decided he was going to do the tile himself. He had never even seen it done, but he talked to a few people and went to work. It turned out perfect (of coarse, he doesn't think so.) He always makes sure to tell me thanks for dinner- even if it was hot dogs and macaroni and cheese! He makes sure that the kids listen to me and respect me. Even if we are fighting, he's got my back when it comes to the kids! I could go on forever, but most importantly.... He's got the cutest little "black boy bum" I've ever seen! (Not that I've seen a lot of bums...)
6.What's your favorite quality of his? He is SO hardworking. He does everything he possibly can to make sure the kids and I have everything we want and need. At least once a week he works a double shift and never complains. He has a to do list that goes on forever (NOT my favorite thing!) He never just sits around. He's always going 110 miles an hour. I complain about this a lot, but I would much rather have it this way than a husband that won't get off the couch! I tend to want to play all the time and his response is always "I've got shit to do." That's pretty much his trademark line.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Baby Love
8.What is his favorite color? Orange. Who has orange for their favorite color?
9.What is his favorite food? Lucky for me, he's not even a little bit picky. He LOVES Olive Garden salad and Alfredo Sauce and he wants to marry the Italian Wedge salad at Johnny Carinos!
10.What is his favorite sport? HUNTING
11.When and where was your first kiss? This is horrible to tell....live and learn, right? For our first date we went to the Corn Maze and we kissed all through that. (Keep in mind, we knew each other for a few months before our first official date since I was dating his roomie). Then, we were going to go back to his house, but we drove by and Rod was there, so we went over to Bonneville high school. We were laying on the grass kissing, but then the sprinklers came on, so we had to call it a night! :).
12.Favorite thing to do as a couple? Probably eat! We go out to eat every Friday night as a family. We only leave the kids a couple times a year, so we don't have a whole lot of alone time to go on dates. But, I saw a saying on Chy's vinyl website that said "Going on a date is cheaper than a divorce." So, I'm going to try to get a babysitter at least once a month for a little more alone time.
13.Do you have any children? 3 little monsters- Jaxon is 6, Jordyn is 5, and Trason is 3. We had 3 kids in 3 1/2 years. Hmmm... maybe I should change our favorite thing to do as a couple.... ;)
14.Does he have a hidden talent? He can pick up on any body's little quirks and copy them pretty much to a tee. It's quite annoying, actually. I'm his favorite person to pick on, of coarse. And, we always say that Roudy has never met a stranger. He can talk to anybody for hours(and he does.)
15. How old is he? 35 big ones. It's so weird. When we started dating I was 18 and he was 27 and I thought he was SO old! Now, I'll be 27 on my next birthday. Time really does fly.
16.Who said I love you first? That would be Roudy. He kept telling me that he wanted to say it, but he didn't want it to become easy to say. So, I knew he loved me before he actually said it. We were laying on his parents couch in Arco when he finally did say it. He was a little weird about things like that. I always wanted him to buy me flowers, but to him that was a huge deal. He said he never bought girls flowers in high school or anything because to him it meant he loved them. One night he was working the night shift and I went on a date with the missionary I had been waiting for. Well, I didn't even tell him the missionary was home, so he calls me and I'm like "I'm on a date." He called every 20 minutes at least! Needless to say, I got woke up the next morning to 18 red roses! :)
17.What is his favorite type of music? I'd have to say butt rock is his favorite, but he listens to country, too. Anything but my favorite... rap. I can't help it- I love it. I think it goes back to riding in Brandon Stephens little red truck with Tupac blaring. Good times.
18.What do you admire most about him? Probably his love for the kids. He makes sure he spends quality time with each of them. And, he pushes all of us to be our best. He's a little hard on all of us (especially me because I need the most pushing), but it's only because he knows our potential.
19.Do you think he will read this? Probably not, but that's okay. Don't want his head getting too big! :)
I tag Rebecca, Ashlee, Krystal, and Tiffany Stoddart
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
All About Roudy...
Posted by Mindy at 12:34 PM 7 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Bootcamp Improvements
As everybody knows, I've been doing a Bootcamp class. On September 1st we did some testing where we ran a timed mile, did as many sit-ups and push-ups we could in 2 minutes and did weight assisted pull-ups. So, for the people who asked me to keep them posted, here are my results after 11 Bootcamp classes....
Mile time before: 9:12 and today: 8:23
Push ups before: 48 (on knees) and today: 58
Sit ups before: 44 and today:56
Pull ups before: 6 and today: 9
Our last class is on Monday and that's when we will do our body fat analysis again. Maybe I'll tell you about that, and maybe I won't........... ;) Since I got my membership to the gym on June 7th, I've lost a total of 17.5 pounds (gotta add that half!) I'm so sad it was only a 3 month membership, but it was a great place to start and get motivated.
**Bodyfat update.....
On September 5th my bodyfat was 22.9% and in the "fit" category. As of today my bodyfat is 20.9% and in the "excellent" catagory. So, in one month of Bootcamp I've lost 7 pounds, 2% bodyfat, and lost 1 inch off my hips and 1 inch off my waist. If it didn't cost $100 I would totally stay in this class- the results are worth the blood, sweat, and tears!
Posted by Mindy at 10:40 AM 8 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I Heart David Cook
So, have you heard the new David Cook song, "Light On?" Well, now you have. Don't get too excited- he's mine.
Posted by Mindy at 2:18 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
So, I found this site called "Wordle.net" and you can type in your blog address and it will take all the words you use most frequently and put them in a "Wordle"! Since I'm a computer retard and can't figure out how to make my "Wordle" bigger and readable at the same time you'll just have to click on it to make it bigger (if you care.) I noticed one of my words was "shit." Oops. :)
Posted by Mindy at 2:12 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Self Improvement (With a Little Less Self)
Almost a week ago this was my conversation with the kids on the way home from church...
Kids: "Mom, what are you going to do when we get home? Are you going to read a magazine?"
Me: "No."
Kids: "Are you going to go to the gym and then come home and take a shower?"
Me: "No."
Kids: "Are you going to clean the house? Is today cleaning day?"
Me: "No."
Kids: "Well, then, what are you going to do?"
It really bothered me that they didn't say, "Are we going to bake cookies together, or read a story, or watch a movie, or jump on the tramp?" Or anything really as long as it was WITH them and not by myself. So, the fact that it's been almost a week and it's still bothering me is most likely my clue to do something about it. And I plan to. Like today when I should have been cleaning my house or washing my sheets, instead I layed down by Jordy and Trason until they fell asleep. That counts, right? Baby steps. And, now that the kids are asleep and I have all the time in the world to clean house, what am I doing? That's right. I'm blogging.
Posted by Mindy at 1:03 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Any Ideas?
So, I've got a little question for all, I mean both, of my blog readers. As many of you know, I started going to the gym in June to try to lose a little weight. It went well at first and I've lost 14 pounds. In September I signed up for a Bootcamp class that is totally KILLER! In the Bootcamp pamphlet it said you should lose between 1 and 3 pounds per week, so I thought by the end of September I'd be at my goal weight. Well, it's not happening. For the last 3 weeks I haven't lost a single pound. I do Bootcamp 3 days a week and then the elliptical machine the other 2 days. I'm only eating between 1200 and 1300 calories. WHY IS THE WEIGHT NOT COMING OFF? Roudy keeps telling me not to get frustrated- it took me 4 years to put the weight on and I shouldn't expect it to fall off overnight. But, I do! This is my first attempt at weight loss, so if any body has any ideas for breaking through this STUPID plateau, I'd really appreciate it! :)
ps. my gym membership ends the end of September, so if anybody knows of any great workout videos I'd love to hear about those, too! :)
Posted by Mindy at 7:37 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Cheer Camp (Take Two)
On Saturday Jordyn had Cheer Camp at Hillcrest. She absolutly LOVES cheer camp, but she's got some competitiveness in her, too! I went at lunch time to make sure her and my nieces could get their chips and drink boxes open, and Jordy was all, "Mom, we cheered louder than the big girls and they were LOSERS! That was my favorite part is when they were LOSERS!" So, Roudy might have her playing sports after all. Who knows. Jaxon had a football game on Saturday, too. He did awesome! The coach had him playing defense, and he rushed the quarterback every time and got his flag. By the last play the other team put a huge kid in front of Jaxon and he just grabbed Jaxon's jersey and held on. Hey coach, that's called holding and not only is it illegal, but way to wait until the last play of the game! LOSER! Sorry. That was my competitive side coming out.
After Jaxon's game we went over to Hillcrest to watch Jordy's performance. I just had to get a picture of the "Football player and the Cheerleader"! Then it made me think about how cute it would have been if I hadn't held Jordy back and they were only a year apart, so Jordy could cheer for her brother. But then I realized that Jaxon's friends would probably want to date Jordyn, and then Jaxon would have to KILL them, and really it would just be a mess.
And, of coarse, you can't take a picture without Trason...
Here's another NAUGHTY Trason story:
Yesterday, I'm in the bathroom getting ready and Trason comes in naked with just a cowboy hat on and says "Shit balls." I say, "Trason, you can't say that!" in my meanest voice. He just looks at me and says "Shit balls again!" So, I say, "Bubba, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!" and he says, "but mom, I'm a cowboy!" So, basically he knows (somehow) that Cowboy's say bad words and I guarantee you that he only put the cowboy hat on so he'd have an excuse to say a bad word. (Keep in mind this child barely turned 3 not even a month ago.) Trason is so much fun to be around, even if he does have a little bit of a wild streak! I can honestly say that I think personality is predetermined, because this child is SO different than my other two!
Posted by Mindy at 7:15 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Now That's Being Optomistic...
As I'm driving down the road, I hear this come out of Jaxon's mouth," This is the best worst day of my life ever!"
Don't ask- I didn't.
Posted by Mindy at 6:14 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Day In The Life
Roudy has always made fun of my little planner, so I thought I'd show everyone what my weeks look like. It's not a great picture, but you get the idea. Do you think Roudy could remember all of this without writing it down? I think not!
Posted by Mindy at 11:12 AM 4 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
I Hate The Fair...
Well, not really- I'm headed back today! ; ) But, I am 2 lbs over and I have to weigh in at Bootcamp today. Oh well, I'll show big improvement at the end of the month, right?
Poison was totally awesome. Shar kept making fun of me because I didn't know any of the songs. She kept going, "come on, Mindy, sing along." Ha, ha Shar. And my mother in law figured out that last time Roudy went to Poison when he was in highschool, I was only 7. He was totally grossed out to say the least. Then Shar figured out that "while Roudy was rocking out to Poison, I was learning 'I'm a Child of God'." Once again, ha ha, Shar.
Posted by Mindy at 6:53 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Jordy's First Day Of Preschool (Again)
Jordy Sue started preschool today. She could have technically went to Kindergarten this year, but I figured it would be better for her to be the oldest, than the youngest. So, she gets another year of preschool at $80.00 a month. Oh well, she's worth it and the teacher's are great. And, of coarse, Trason's "first day" picture. If the camera's out, he wants his picture taken, too!
Posted by Mindy at 6:36 PM 4 comments
I Heart The Fair
If there are two things I love in life, it's the Fair and the horse races. Put them together and I'm in heaven. Unfortunately for Roudy and the kids, it was FREEZING this year on Labor Day. It was rainy and windy and in the 50's, but I'm hard-core when it comes to the fair!
*Also unfortunate for Roudy- we spent about $80.00 on food. For one corn dog for each of us cost almost $20.00. FREAK! But, it only happens once a year, right? A couple days before the fair, Roudy and I started planning what we were going to eat. We didn't get it all in on Monday, so it's a good thing we have Thursday to make up for it! (And maybe Friday, too, but Roudy doesn't know that yet! ;)
Posted by Mindy at 6:24 PM 0 comments